Sunday, August 25, 2013

Getting Prepared

Tomorrow is the first day of school! It is scary and I am nervous. But I don't think it has really hit me yet. Being a student for the past 4 years has prepared me for this but it has always been "someday". Someday I will be a teacher or someday when I have my own class. That someday is tomorrow.

This last couple of weeks has been lots of training and getting used to my new campus. I had a week of training before the rest of my campus had to report. I got used to sitting and listening to people talk for a long time. I never knew you could be so exhausted at the end of the day from sitting. I learned from knowledgeable people and gave me lots of ideas. I also constantly reminded me of all that I have to do. My to do list was growing each day. As a special education teacher, I couldn't always relate to the information they gave but just made me realize that I had to work hard to get ready for the school year.

Getting to my campus and seeing my classroom was a surreal experience. Sitting at my new desk and looking at my classroom was overwhelming. What was worse was that the class was not organized... at all. I just wanted to know what was in the classroom so I had to make a mess to clean the classroom. Though I do share the classroom with another resource teacher so I wanted it to be her space as well as mine. I got it as organized as I could for the first day of school. Pictures will go up soon.

This year I have 16 students in my caseload. This is the most that I have ever had and I am excited to get started. I met some of them at meet the teacher and they were so adorable. I feel that this year will be challenging and I will be overwhelmed but hopefully my students will give me great memories this year. I won't be doing Resource for the first day so I will only observing my students but I am just so excited to meet them.

Well tomorrow is the day. I will officially be a teacher. I hope that I will put aside my nerves and my doubts so that I can help these students to the best of my ability. I just want to create a classroom where lots of learning will happen this year. Tomorrow is the day...

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