Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Starting a new chapter!

This is a blog about my first year teaching. I feel that during this year I will grow a lot. I want to document my joys, my struggles, and what works to help my students learn. I titled my blog Everybody Can Learn because I believe as a special education teacher that all students can learn. It is a teachers job to make sure to create a positive learning environment that challenges all students to work so that they learn to the best of their capability. But this blog is also focused on the fact that I will always be learning as a teacher. I do not stop being a "student" just because I am now a teacher. During this year and the years to come, I will be learning from my experiences, my colleagues, and especially my students. I believe everyone is a life long learner.

Today I accepted a job as a Resource teacher. I am beyond excited and can't wait to start teaching. This is an amazing opportunity and the Lord has truly opened doors for me to teach. I will have to move to a new city so this will be a new chapter in my life. I am nervous to live truly on my own for the first time but I am ready to have my own place to craft and make things for my room. 

Ready to start my journey as a teacher! 

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